Embarking on a running journey is an exciting adventure that promises numerous physical and mental benefits. However, success requires careful planning and gradual progression. In this guide, we’ll explore key steps to help you build a successful running routine, whether you’re a beginner or aiming to improve your performance. Let’s dive in and discover how to make the most of your running journey.

In the pursuit of adopting a running routine, setting achievable goals and establishing a robust foundation are pivotal steps.

1: Get motivated

  • Kickstarting your running journey demands a dose of motivation. Establishing exercise as a habitual part of your routine can be facilitated by crafting a structured plan, guided by cues and rewards. Author Charles Duhigg suggests mapping out cues, rewards, and routines to anchor your exercise regimen firmly into your lifestyle. 
  • Consistency is key: maintaining a regular schedule, accompanied by enjoyable activities post-run, reinforces the habit-forming process. 
  • Building a supportive network further strengthens your resolve, whether it involves running with friends or participating in community events like parkruns.

2: Get moving

  • Transitioning into a running routine often begins with brisk walking. A carefully curated walking plan serves as a stepping stone towards more rigorous workouts. Over a span of seven weeks, individuals new to exercise can gradually increase their activity levels, laying a solid foundation for future running endeavors. 

3: Start running

  • Taking the leap from walking to running requires a systematic approach. A beginner run/walk plan spanning seven weeks gradually integrates running into the routine. 
  • Starting with brisk walking sessions, participants gradually transition to incorporating running, ultimately working towards sustained running sessions. In your workout routine  emphasize on proper warm-up techniques, gradual increases in running duration, and attentive monitoring of your progress to ensure a safe and effective transition.

4: Run non-stop

  • Building endurance and eliminating walk breaks signify a significant milestone in a runner’s journey. 
  • Incorporate progressive training techniques, including interval runs and tempo workouts, to enhance cardiovascular fitness and endurance capacity. 
  • Additionally, emphasize on proper pacing and form to optimize running efficiency and minimize the risk of fatigue-related issues.

5: Run further

  • For those aiming to extend their running capabilities beyond the 5km mark, a comprehensive plan spanning seven weeks prepares individuals to tackle a 10km distance. 
  • Incorporating hill running and speed workouts, it will enhance endurance while fortifying strength. 
  • Additionally, strategies for managing fatigue and maintaining optimal running form are important to support sustained performance over extended distances.

6: Run faster

  • Elevating performance levels entails an eight-week regimen designed to boost speed and endurance. Suited for ‘advanced beginners,’ try to introduce speed work alongside endurance-building exercises, to foster a well-rounded approach to running. 
  • By incorporating interval training, tempo runs, and race-pace workouts you will improve speed, power, and cardiovascular fitness. 
  • Additionally, recovery strategies and injury prevention techniques to support long-term progress and performance gains are not to forget

Before embarking on any running plan, conducting a self-assessment and ensuring adequate preparation is paramount. Seeking medical advice, investing in suitable gear, and establishing feasible routes are crucial preparatory steps. Additionally, maintaining a sustainable pace, recording progress, and integrating additional activity throughout the day contribute to a well-rounded running routine.


10 tips from Running Addict to Run Better

  1. Look Ahead About 50m: Your body tends to follow where your eyes go. Avoid looking at your feet as it can lead to poor posture and inefficient use of muscles. Look about 50m ahead for better balance and efficiency.
  2. Stand Tall: Maintain a straight posture. Imagine a string pulling you up from the top of your head to help keep your body aligned.
  3. Take Smaller Steps (at least 170 steps per minute): Modern running shoes often lead to long strides. Instead, aim for smaller, quicker steps to use your body’s natural elasticity and reduce injury risk.
  4. Run Quietly: Try to make as little noise as possible when your feet hit the ground. This reduces the impact and potential for injury.
  5. Bounce Forward, Not Up: Focus on moving forward efficiently rather than bouncing upwards. This saves energy and maintains momentum.
  6. Relax Your Shoulders: Keep your shoulders low and relaxed to avoid tension that can hinder your running efficiency.
  7. Relax Your Hands: Keep your hands relaxed, like you’re holding an egg you don’t want to drop or crush, to prevent upper body tension.
  8. Move Arms Forward: Ensure your arm movements are forward rather than crossing your body to maintain balance and efficiency.
  9. Don’t Overthink Foot Strike: Focus less on whether you land heel or mid-foot. Improving other aspects of your form will naturally correct your foot strike over time.
  10. Run Regularly: Consistent running helps your body adapt and become more efficient. The more you run, the better you’ll get, adhering to the principle of needing 10,000 hours to master any skill.

sources: https://www.runnersworld.com/uk/training/beginners/a772727/how-to-start-running-today/ & https://www.running-addict.fr/conseil-running/comment-bien-courir-technique-de-course/

Lara Tacconi
Lara Tacconi

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