Pilates is a low-impact exercise method that focuses on core strength, flexibility, and overall body awareness. Here are some fundamental Pilates exercises that you can incorporate into your routine: To learn more about the principles and importance of pilates go and read my post: LINK!


  • CENTRING: ability to move your limbs from your core and is the basis for many pilates exercises

→ Lie on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, facing forwards. Inhale to prepare. As you exhale, stretch one arm behind your head and the opposite leg out along the floor. As you move your limbs, focus on keeping your abs in and spine long. As you inhale, slide your arm and leg back to the start position. Do up to 10 times, alternating sides between each repetition,

  • BOX POSITION: central to pilates movements in order to keep your shoulders and hips aligned and level

→ Get onto all fours on the floor, keeping your hands in line with your shoulders and your knees in line with your hips. Visualize your hands and knees connected by four lines that create a box. Imagine a central line going from the crown of your head through to your tailbone and ensure all your muscles and bodyweight are evenly balanced on both sides of this line, with your abs drawn in. Hold for up to 5 breaths.

  • PELVIC CURL: teaches you how to move your spine and used in many pilates exercises to help release a tight spine.

  • C-CURVE: curves each vertebra with control, which helps to improve spinal mobility


  • SWAN PREP: releases the pressure that builds up and strengthens the muscle that keep you upright

  • LETTER T: as you exhale and inhale through each movement, focus your attention on the muscles that you are working for maximum benefit

→ Lie on your front with your legs together and inhale to prepare. As you exhale, raise your arms out to your sides, like the wings of a plane, raising your chest slightly off the Toor as you do so. (Hold weights if you wish to work harder.) Do not drop your head, but do look slightly downwards. Inhale to prepare for the next movement.

→ As you exhale, lift your chest and head further off the floor and look forwards. At the same time, sweep your arms behind your shoulders, keeping them straight, with fingers reaching behind as if trying to touch your heels. Do not let your arms rise above shoulder height. Squeeze your shoulder blades together to contract the muscles in your upper body. Inhale as you release. Do up to 10 repetitions. Then relax into the floor.


  • ROLL-DOWN: helps you become aware of your spine’s mechanism

  • SPINE TWIST: helps you focus on control through your torso and on precise movements that can strengthen and stretch your spine


  • HUNDRED PREP: encourages you to engage your deep core abdominal by using controlled breathing

  • SUPPORTED ABDOMINAL PREP: helps you to avoid a sore neck while toning your abs and focus on the precise and controlled movement

→ Lie on your back with a towel or band firmly placed under your upper back and head. Bend your knees, keeping your feet flat on the floor and your abs drawn in. Hold the band in your hands with your arms extended out above your head. Inhale to prepare.

→ As you exhale, lift your head and shoulders off the floor, using the band for support. Allow your head to be heavy and focus on the precise movement of peeling your neck off the floor, letting your abs do the work. Inhale as you hold the pose at the top. Exhale as you return to the starting position, slowly melting your spine back into the floor. Do up to 10 repetitions.

  • SINGLE LEG STRETCH: tones your abdominal muscles as you move from your center

  • DOUBLE LEG STRETCH: helps your body to be aligned

  • ROLL-BACK: reveals any weakness in your core abdominal if you try to let your shoulders or neck do the work

  • ROLL-UP: will strongly work your abdominal muscle as it requires controlled, fluid and rhythmic movement and promises great results


  • SHOULDER BRIDGE: works both the front and back of your body as it requires a lot of strength from not only your abs but also your back, buttocks and the back of your legs
  • LEG CIRCLES: helps to control leg movement from your core


  • DOUBLE LEG LIFT: the focus is on precision, working from your core glutes to strengthen the lateral muscles and help you define your legs

  • KNEE STRETCH/ uses the strength in your quads and abs and gives your body a really good stretch

→ Get onto all fours on the floor, keeping your hands in line with your shoulders and your knees in line with your hips. Visualize a line from your tailbone through to the crown of your head, which maintains a solid natural curve of the spine. Inhale to prepare.

→ As you exhale, extend one leg behind you, lifting your 5 head slightly. Keep your abs working, your hips square, and don’t let the hip of your raised leg hitch up. Inhale to lower your leg back to the start position. Do up to 10 times in total, alternating sides between each repetition before coming back to sitting.

  • SIDE-LYING FRONT KICK: activating your glutes to perform dynamic leg movements and needs extra control ( avoid jerky movement ) 
  • LOWER LEG SIDE KICK: tones your hips and outer legs and the focus is on concentration as you’ll need a strong core, good balance, and coordination to perform this exercise effectively

→ Lie on your side. Place one hand on the mat in front of your abs for support. Rest your head in your other hand, elbow on the floor. Stack your hips, angle your legs towards the front of the mat, and pull your belly button towards your spine. Inhale to prepare.

→ As you exhale, lift both legs off the floor, keeping them angled forwards and squeezing them tightly together, with your toes splayed out. Make sure your abs and glutes are fully engaged during the movement so that you remain balanced.

→ As you inhale, lower your bottom leg to just above the floor, keeping the top leg where it was, then exhale as you lift it back up to meet your top leg. Repeat this movement, working your inner thighs. Repeat all steps up to 10 times before switching sides.


Pilates Exercises

The french website advices you 7 exercises to do at home to tone your body:

  1. Single Leg Stretch
  2. Double Leg Stretch
  3. Les Ciseaux
  4. Double Leg Lower
  5. Shoulder Bridge
  6. Breast Stroke
  7. Swimming

source: The Fitness Book – DK &

Lara Tacconi
Lara Tacconi

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