Start from the top of your body and gradually work down to ensure you cover all major muscle groups. This routine requires only 10–15 minutes daily, making it manageable even for busy schedules. Consider incorporating it into your morning or bedtime routine.


  • Neck Roll
    • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms loose.
    • Gently roll your head clockwise for 1 rotation (7 seconds).
    • Rest for 5 seconds, then roll anticlockwise.
    • Repeat 3 times.
  • Shoulder Roll
    • Stand straight with loose arms.
    • Raise shoulders slowly, then roll them back in a circular motion.
    • Roll backward 5 times, then forward.
    • Repeat 2 times.
  • Behind-Head Tricep Stretch
    • Extend left arm upward, elbow close to head.
    • Bend left elbow, hand behind neck.
    • Use right hand to press left upper arm down gently.
    • Hold for 10 seconds, then switch arms.
    • Repeat 2 more times on each side.
  • Standing Hip Rotation
    • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hands on hips.
    • Move hips forward, then rotate clockwise for 3 rotations.
    • Return to center and rotate anticlockwise.
  • Standing Hamstring Stretch
    • Stand straight, bend right knee slightly, extend left leg forward.
    • Flex left foot, hands on right thigh, lean forward.
    • Hold for 20 seconds, switch legs, repeat.
    • Repeat sequence 3 times.
  • Quadriceps Stretch
    • Stand upright, hold onto a solid structure with right hand.
    • Keep right leg straight, bend left knee, bring foot up behind.
    • Gently press foot toward left buttock with left hand.
    • Hold for 30 seconds, then switch legs.
    • Repeat sequence 3 times.
  • Ankle Roll
    • Stand with left foot flat, raise right heel.
    • Keep toes on the ground, roll right foot clockwise 10 times.
    • Repeat anticlockwise, then switch feet.
  • Child’s Pose
    • Kneel, toes pointed back, tops of feet flat on ground.
    • Sit back on heels, lower chest toward floor, arms extended.
    • Hold for 30 seconds, repeat 3 times with 10-second rests.

Adding a daily stretching routine to your schedule can enhance flexibility and mobility. This brief routine targets major muscle groups, promoting relaxation and improved range of motion. Just 10–15 minutes a day can support your overall physical well-being and long-term health.


Stretching Exercises Recommended by

  • Triangle Stretch Exercise: Stand with legs apart and straight. Extend arms to the sides, then raise one arm up while the other rests on the ankle. Ensure the foot is turned outward. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
  • Hip Extension and Wide Angle: With legs apart, shoulders down, belly button in, and pelvic floor engaged, place hands on the lower back or waist. Lean back, rounding the back, and roll the neck. Return forward and hold the ankles, keeping the back straight and legs straight. Then come back up.
  • Lumbar Stretches: Stand with legs apart, toes pointing outward. Bend the knees and place hands on the thighs. Turn shoulders and head to the right, slightly inward. Return to the starting position with a straight back. Repeat on the left side.
  • Quadriceps Stretch: With shoulders down, belly button in, and pelvic floor engaged, keep legs straight and together. Lift one leg to perform a heel-to-buttock stretch, holding the foot. Keep the standing foot grounded. Repeat on the other side.
  • Gluteal and Sciatic Stretches: With shoulders down, belly button in, and pelvic floor engaged, raise arms and keep them straight. Shift weight onto one leg and place the other on the supporting knee, forming a triangle. Lower hands, placing one on the knee and the other on the ankle. Hold, then place feet back on the ground. Repeat on the other side.

sources: &,2006105.asp#:~:text=Les%20étirements%20lombaires,en%20gardant%20le%20dos%20droit.

Lara Tacconi
Lara Tacconi

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