You might be lost with all the information you hear and read involving training at the gym. However, here, I will regroup all the information you need to know to see the results in no time. 

  • Firstly it is important to note that the optimal time to train is between 40 and 60 minutes and 3-5 times a week. Usually when you are a beginner.
  • Furthermore, in order to build a leaner, more muscular or toned physique, there’s one thing that you need to do above all else – tear muscle fibers by creating tension on the muscle. Tension-style training means keeping the muscle you are working under optimal tension throughout the duration of the movement, i.e. two seconds on the way down, 1 second hold at the bottom or top and two seconds on the way up (2:1:2). k. This is where the 2:1:2 system really shines, because you are not moving weight from A to B; you are moving a weight with perfect form, creating optimal tension on the muscle you are trying to work from A to B.
  • However, you might be lost and don’t know how to choose the right weight. Here is my piece of advice. For example you are doing an exercise of 10 reps but arriving at 10 reps you could have easily completed 12,13,14 reps with that weight means your weight is too light. On the other hand if on the 5th rep you fail, your weight is too heavy. The key is always trying to fail at your given rep range, which is 10 reps in this program.
  • In addition to weight training, cardio and aerobic activities (running, walking, cycling, swimming) are essential if you want to lose fat. The tip is to end your workout with cardio, so start with weight-training.
  • The two main types of cardio are low-intensity steady rate cardio (LISS) and high-intensity interval training (HIIT)

→ LISS works better when you have a clean diet ( your carbs are low, eating regular meals) and train at least for 15-20 minutes. Examples of LISS exercise would be a steady pace walk, jogging or cycling

→ HIIT is better for faster fat loss. One of the best methods is 10 minutes of 30:30 HIIT. This means 30 seconds of sprint time and 30 seconds for rest or recovery time. This can be done on a bike, treadmill or bodyweight movements ( spider push-ups/burpee …)

  •  IMPORTANT: Note that this only works if you have the right meal alongside. Before training, the last meal eaten should be something like chicken or fish, mixed vegetables and 150g of sweet potato rather than white chicken and white pasta
  • One of the best training programs is the ‘Push, Pull, Legs’ as it allows you to workout the whole body at least once or twice a week.



CHEST DUMBBELL PRESS 10 reps 3 sets 60 second rest 2:1:2 tempo 

CHEST DUMBBELL FLYE 10 reps 3 sets 60 second rest 2:1:2 tempo 

MILITARY BARBELL PRESS 10 reps 3 sets 60 second rest 2:1:2 tempo 

SIDE LATERAL DUMBBELL RAISE 10 reps 3 sets 60 second rest 2:1:2 tempo TRICEPS E-Z BAR LYING EXTENSION 10 reps 2 sets 60 second rest 2:1:2 tempo TRICEPS ROPE EXTENSION 10 reps 2 sets 60 second rest 2:1:2 tempo 



BARBELL BENT OVER ROW 10 reps 3 sets 60 second rest 2:1:2 tempo 

LAT PULL DOWN 10 reps 3 sets 60 second rest 2:1:2 tempo 

REAR DELT DUMBBELL RAISE 10 reps 2 sets 60 second rest 2:1:2 tempo 

ROPE REAR DELT FACE PULL 10 reps 2 sets 60 second rest 2:1:2 tempo 

BARBELL BICEP CURL 10 reps 3 sets 60 second rest 2:1:2 tempo 

DUMBBELL TWIST BICEP CURL 10 reps 3 sets 60 second rest 2:1:2 tempo 10 MINUTES OF 30:30 BIKE 


BARBELL SQUAT 10 reps 3 sets 60 second rest 2:1:2 tempo 

DUMBBELL STANDING LUNGE 10 reps 3 sets 60 second rest 2:1:2 tempo

LEG PRESS 10 reps 3 sets 60 second rest 2:1:2 tempo 

LEG EXTENSION 10 reps 3 sets 60 second rest 2:1:2 tempo 10 reps 

BARBELL GLUTE BRIDGE 3 sets 60 second rest 2:1:2 tempo 

STIFF-LEGGED DUMBBELL 10 reps DEAD-LIFT 2 sets 60 second rest 2:1:2 tempo HAMSTRING CURL 10 reps 2 sets 60 second rest 2:1:2 tempo

 SEATED CALF RAISE 20 reps 1 sets 2:1:2 tempo 



Teddy Riner Fitness Exercises: “gainage intégral”

The training plan developed by Dr. Bernadette de Gasquet and judoka Teddy Riner focuses on integral core strengthening to sculpt the body safely.

  • Traditional abdominal exercises like crunches are criticized for their negative impact on organs and joints.
  • Gasquet advocates for the use of core engagement techniques to avoid injury and promote better posture.
  • Three main principles of the training approach: proper pelvic alignment, elongation of the spine, and controlled breathing.
  • Emphasis on strengthening deep muscles while respecting the body’s natural mechanics.
  • Gasquet’s method challenges conventional abdominal practices, promoting a postural and respiratory approach.
  • Teddy Riner’s adoption of Gasquet’s method for his Olympic preparation in Tokyo 2021 has helped popularize it among elite athletes.

(Note: The notes above provide a concise summary of the training plan developed by Dr. Bernadette de Gasquet and Teddy Riner)

source: The Fitness Mindset – Brian Keane &

Lara Tacconi
Lara Tacconi

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