In my opinion, worry and anxiety go hand in hand as with worry and anxiety you envision your future. Envisioning is a good thing when it allows you to create the lifestyle you want. However, it also has its downside. This negativity presents itself in the form of worry. Instead of focusing on how to create your dream life, body, job and lifestyle in general, you worry whether you are good or pretty enough, if you have enough money or even if you will never meet the right person. 

In order to stop being that persons that worries about everything I will give you the following tips:

→ Most people think that if I have a nice car or a big house, then I will be successful, or if I do well in this show, test or exam, I can become successful. This way of thinking is wrong. It’s the ‘do, have and be’ model. If I do or have this, I can be that. 

→ The better way of thinking is following the “be,do and have model”. s. If you want to be in better shape, you need to become a person who makes better food choices and creates better habits that support that end vision. Become a fit person in your mind, do things like eating well, creating supportive habits accordingly and exercising more. Be, do and have

→ The philosophy to follow is: Become the person you want to be and then wait for reality to catch up with that version of you. This leads to my second tip.

  • Take control of your thinking time

→ Your goal is to become that healthy person with the dream body and that feels good about itself. However, if in your day you have the same shape of mind and the same network of people that doesn’t push you to become the best version of yourself, you will never evolve. But if you spend your time challenging your thoughts into the person that already has that healthy lifestyle you will become that person. In addition, you spend your time listening to audiobooks, podcasts and consume information that supports your end goal. 

→ Therefore, list all the things in your life that you want, the body you want, the job you want or what kind of relationships you want and make sure to put it somewhere visible so you can see it. After, consume information that will help you to achieve that goal.

The key phrase is: What you think, you become !

  • You can’t always avoid the conflict

→ Avoiding a conflict or a problem isn’t the way to solve your problems. Camouflaging a problem isn’t better because at one point or another it will reappear.

→ Try to envision those problems as workouts as with time it will become easier and disappear.

→ Another thing to note is that you need to go outside your comfort zone. Vincent Van Gogh says that “the comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there’. The same works when working out. In order to evolve and become the best version you need to tackle that pain !

  • Exercise and Nutrition 

→ Mindful techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga, can help you to stay present and reduce anxious thoughts: click here to learn more on yoga

Regular physical activity can reduce anxiety and stress. Find an exercise or physical activity you enjoy : click here for fitness workouts

→ Healthy Diet: Eat a balanced diet rich in whole foods. Nutrient deficiencies can contribute to anxiety: click here to learn how to eat healthy


Extract of the National Health Service Inform (UK)

10 ways to fight your fears

  1. Take time out
  2. Breathe through panic
  3. Face your fears
  4. Imagine the worst
  5. Look at the evidence
  6. Don’t try to be perfect
  7. Visualise a happy place
  8. Talk about it
  9. Go back to basics
  10. Reward yourself

source: The Fitness Mindset – Brian Keane &

Lara Tacconi
Lara Tacconi

One comment

  1. Great read! I appreciate the thorough analysis presented. The examples really helped to clarify complex concepts. Does anyone else have additional insights or experiences to share on this topic?

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